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June 4, 2024 Board of Review Meeting Minutes

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were no attendees.

Clerk Caitlin Kincannon called the 2024 Town of Koshkonong Board of Review to order at 6:30 PM. Clerk verified the meeting was properly posted.

The Clerk called the roll:
Supervisor Jim Brandenburg; present
Chairperson Kim Cheney; present
Supervisor George Jaeckel; present
Supervisor Erik Hoffman; present
Assessor Ray Koscak; present
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon; present
Supervisor Matt Hill notified Clerk he would not attend

Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to appoint Town Chairperson Cheney as Board of Review Chairperson,
motion was seconded by Supervisor Hoffman. All in favor, no discussion. Motion carried.

Chairperson Cheney motioned to appoint Supervisor Jaeckel as Board of Review Vice Chairperson,
motion was seconded by Supervisor Hoffman. All in favor, no discussion. Motion carried.

Chairperson Cheney is currently certified for Board of Review.

The Assessor signed the assessment roll and verified that the assessment notices were mailed at least
15 days prior to the Board of Review.

The Clerk indicated no objection forms were picked up or filed for this Board of Review.

At 6:32 PM, the ZOOM recording was paused until any objectors presented or until the Board of
Review would end at 8:30 PM.

At 8:30PM, the ZOOM recording was resumed and the Clerk reported no objections were submitted
during the two hour timeframe. The 2024 Town of Koshkonong Board of Review is complete.

Supervisor Jaeckel motioned for a final adjournment, motion was seconded by Supervisor
Brandenburg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon