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Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk Caitlin KincannonTreasurer Alicia Grulke not presentThis meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were no attendees.Chairperson Kim Cheney called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at7:02 PM. The Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
3. Public comment–agenda items only. No other audience comment allowed.Deputy Thianna Bergholz present. Explained one Deputy is assigned to be the contact for theTownship: Deputy Patrick Farley, patrickf@jeffersoncountywi.gov. Discussed extra patrols onroads to deter detour traffic.
4. Approve meeting minutes from August 9Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to approve the August 9, meeting minutes.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
5. August Treasurer’s ReportClerk presented the August 2023 Treasurer’s Report on the Treasurer’s behalf.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the August 2023 Treasurer’s Report.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
6. Discuss/Motion request for driveway reconsiderations at N1701 Riggert RoadChairperson Cheney explained the topic is on the agenda for rediscussion, as the 6 feet ofconcrete is not feasible. Mr. Steve Lenz present, asked Board to reconsider leaving the drivewayas is, and consider the gravel part as a second driveway. Letter the Town had previously sent Mr.Lenz and requirements imposed discussed. Previous Chairman Burlingame present in audience,who presided over previous decision on the driveway, explained original agreement. SupervisorHoffman feels the Board needs to stick to their guidelines. Board discussed option of twodriveways. Chairperson proposed the existing driveway be reduced to 32 feet wide, additionalgravel be removed back up to the right of way, and the second driveway stays as approved, witha deadline of November 13, 2023.Supervisor Jaeckel made a motion as Chairperson’s proposal stated.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
7. Discuss/Motion request for a conditional home occupation to allow a flower shop at N901Old 26, parcel 016-0514-1933-000Requester Angie Starr present, who has an online flower shop and does a gardening service.Explained everything must be delivered, as people cannot come and pick up from her. She wouldlike to be able to offer pickup and have a shop for the subdivisions to enjoy.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to recommend approval.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.Miss Starr inquired on adding a front porch, Chairperson explained that’s a separate permitthrough the County.
8. Discuss/Motion request from H&M to open McIntyre Road to install a culvertRequester Jason Hosely present. He has met with Dan Butz to show him where he wants to dothe work. Dan asked that they use slurry for backfill.Supervisor Hill motioned to approve request as per Dan’s specs and recommendation.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.Fee discussed. Supervisor Brandenburg suggested $300.All in favor. Motion carried.
9. Discuss/Motion request for variance to reduce the road setback for a new structure atN2792 Curtis Mill RoadRequester Dennis Kutz present, explained they are putting up a shed. At the 85-foot setback, itputs the building too far out into the driveway and obstructs truck’s pathway.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the request.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
10. Discuss/Motion for an amendment to section 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoningordinance to allow for redivision of existing A-3 lotsChairperson explained with this amendment, A-3 lots could be divided. Supervisor Jaeckelfurther clarified. Supervisor Hill saw no concerns.Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the text amendment.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
11. Discuss/Motion of proposed golf cart ordinance draftBoard discussed consideration of requiring registration. Supervisor Hill feels it’s not necessary,and feels we do not need to enforce stickers. Board discussed roads to include and will follow thestate statute. Chairperson proposed sending the ordinance draft to the attorney, with removal ofregistration section and adding in Koshkonong Mounds Rd & Koshkonong Lake Rd withreference to the state statute, and installing signage.Supervisor Hill made a motion on Chairperson’s proposal as stated.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
12. Discuss/Motion Clerk wage for Treasurer training on property tax seasonClerk Caitlin is approved for paid Treasurer training through September. New Treasurer Aliciawill need training for property tax season, and preparation work will begin in November. Caitlinproposed estimated hours and wage.Supervisor Hill motioned to authorize Caitlin to provide up to, and not to exceed, 30 hours oftraining to the Treasurer, at $25 an hour, through March 2024.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
13. Discuss/Motion roads – review 5-year planSupervisor Hill asked for our road ratings for reference. Chairperson will get current ratings fornext month’s Board meeting, plus a list of what was done in the last couple of years. Discussionwill be revisited next month.
14. Discuss/Motion to approve Clerk & Chairperson WTA October conference attendanceWTA’s annual conference is in October. Chairperson confirmed we have the budget for it.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve Chairperson & Clerk attendance and expenses forlodging and registration.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
15. Discuss/Motion set budget workshop dateChairperson suggested October 4, 2023, for a budget workshop date. Supervisor Hoffman willnot be able to attend due to schedule conflicts.Supervisor Hill motioned to set October 4 as the budget workshop date starting at 6PM, andcarry over additional budget business not concluded at the workshop to the Board meetingscheduled on October 11, 2023.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
16. Public Works ReportSuperintendent Dan Butz discussed some items from his report provided to the Board, includingtrenching done by the fiber optic installers, and how trees were damaged. Supervisor Jaeckelsuggested bringing this up at the next WTA district meeting. Supervisor Jaeckel and Dandiscussed Bark River Road.
17. Approve BillsSupervisor Hill motioned to approve the bills report.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
18. Clerk’s Report
19. Future Agenda Items
20. Public commentBill Burlingame understood that it was previously agreed to seal coat Oxbow Bend. SupervisorBrandenburg advised we did put $24,000 in capital outlay. Dan Butz advised he’d look into ifit’s too late to do the work.
21. Board Member announcements
22. AdjournmentSupervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 8:36 PM.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk9/28/2023