+1 920-563-4510
The Town Board of Koshkonong, Jefferson County, Wisconsin in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute Chapter 985, wishes to update legal notice postings.
WHERE AS the Town wishes to provide legal notice postings ot its residents ni the most current medium available, and
WHERE AS the Town currently posts legal notices ni three physical locations and publishes ni the local Jefferson County Daily Union newspaper, and
WHERE AS the Town will update the notice postings ot one physical location and the Town of Koshkonong website that is maintained by the Town, and
WHERE AS the Town strives to provide information to the public efficiently and effectively, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that every legal notice requiring posting will be designated ot one physical location, be ti the Town Hal, and also the www.koshkonongwi.gov town website, maintained by the Town, at least 24 hours in advance of the event.
This resolution is unanimously agreed upon by the Town Board of Koshkonong and effective upon publication/posting ni the above locations.
Adopted this 16th day of April, 2024.
Kim Cheney, Town ChairpersonCaitlin Kincannon, Town Clerk