+1 920-563-4510
Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk Caitlin KincannonTreasurer Alicia Grulke
This meeting was video recorded by ZOOM, however due to a technical difficulty, audio was not recorded.There were no ZOOM attendees.
1. Call to order and verification of public meetingThe Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at7:05 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
2. Pledge of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3. Public comment – agenda items only
4. Approve meeting minutes from November 2024Supervisor Hill motioned to put the November 2024 meeting minutes on file.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
5. October & November 2024 Treasurer’s ReportsTreasurer Alicia presented October & November 2024 Treasurer Reports.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to put the October & November 2024 Treasurer reports on file.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.Treasurer announced tax bills were mailed and should be received by residents soon, explained paymentoptions.
6. Discuss/Motion dog service contractCurrent service provider Duwayne Bickle, and Tom DeLadurantey, Executive Direct of the Jefferson CountyHumane Society, present. Mr. Bickle had been asked to provide a proposal. We also have proposals from theHumane Society, as well as from Chris Winkelman. Winkleman quoted an annual fee of $5000, and has notasked for any additional support. Bickle has quoted an annual fee of $4000, and requested support through theHumane Society if he is unable to home/rehome a dog. The proposal from the Humane Society quoted$10,272.96; this is a straight rate that all municipalities in Jefferson County are charged, and it includes alldomestic animals. Supervisor Jaeckel does not agree with making a donation to the Humane Society for catsurrender services, as cats are plentiful in rural areas. Supervisor Hill sees value in the Town supporting theHumane Society. Chairperson Cheney feels there’s a convenience factor in going with the Humane Society. TheTown would receive an activity report from the Humane Society. The Humane Society can begin servicing theTownship by January 1. Walt Christensen, as a former Town Board Supervisor, advised the Town moved awayfrom the Humane Society in the past due to rising costs and mismanagement; he feels management hasimproved. Several audience members present are involved with the Humane Society Board and areKoshkonong residents and support the partnership.Supervisor Hill motioned to adopt a contract with the Humane Society of Jefferson County as proposed.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman, with the amendment that contract be revisited in 1 year.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
7. Discuss/Motion code enforcement contract checkinAllison Schwark present. Allison is currently only taking on complaints from Chair or Clerk. Only a few caseslagged, and long extensions were made. No open cases currently. Supervisor Hoffman appreciates the workAllison is doing as it takes out the confrontation with residents from the Board. Our contract is on automaticrenewal. The Clerk appreciates Allison’s work and responsiveness.
8. Discuss/Motion Rock Road Companies permit renewalsRyan Spies & Troy Kutz present. Rock Road Companies is requesting to do same as last year with theirpermits; they are not anticipating to bring plant back.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the permit renewals.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
9. Discuss/Motion Mark Meyer revised proposal for land donationMark Meyer present, he has had the conservation easement revised; public access has been added in theamendment. Supervisor Jaeckel mentioned public works would have to maintain it, and sees no benefit to theTown accepting the land. Supervisor Hoffman sees it being used for ATV & fishing use if the Town accepts it.Supervisor Hill doesn’t see any downside in accepting it. Jaeckel thinks there could be liability if ATV use wasoffered on Town property.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to not accept the land offer.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.Further discussion was had. Hill & Hoffman suggested an advisory poll/opinion collection from the localresidents. Jaeckel would like to see the property surveyed and a sign designating Town ownership. Mark Meyeroffered to cover the survey cost.Jaeckel & Brandenburg rescinded the motion.Supervisor Jaeckel made a new motion to not accept the land offer at this time.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.Jaeckel & Brandenburg rescinded the second motion.Discussion tabled to next month until it can be inquired if parking can be installed on the property if accepted.
10. Discuss/Motion 2025 budgetDiscussed 2025 proposed budget and deficit, Treasurer presented 2024 overview, including December 2024expenses and undesignated funds. Board can consider to utilize undesignated funds to cover budget deficitinstead of taking out an operational loan. Budget will be updated for increased cost to contract with the HumaneSociety in 2025.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the 2025 budget as presented, and to amend it next month.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
11. Discuss/Motion operational loan for 2025 budget deficitSupervisor Hoffman motioned to not take out an operational loan for 2025 budget deficit.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
12. Discuss/Motion winter maintenance policy updatePolicy was updated and polished. Supervisor Hoffman suggested handing out notices to advise residents ofwinter parking policy. Supervisor Brandenburg & Jaeckel feel a Facebook announcement suffices.Supervisor Hill motioned to adopt the amended town winter maintenance policy.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
13. Discuss/Motion Badger Books purchase with ARPA fundsClerk explained she would like to purchase Badger Books for use in elections. Badger Books is an electronicpollbook that will help us run elections more efficiently and smoothly.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the purchase of Badger Books.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
14. Discuss/Motion staff Christmas bonus gift cardsChair explained we would like to provide Christmas bonus gift cards to Town staff, including 9 employees at$50 each.Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the Christmas bonuses.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
15. Public Works ReportPublic Works Superintendent Dan Butz present. The Board would like to provide him a monthly list of whatthey’d like to see Public Works work on, and see a status report of those items on Dan’s monthly Public Worksreport. Chair asked Dan to observe blacktop on Star School Road. Supervisor Brandenburg requested a tree betrimmed. A culvert on Bark River Road was discussed.
16. Approve BillsSupervisor Hill motioned to approve the bills as presented.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
17. Clerk’s Report
18. Future Agenda Items
19. Public comment
20. Board Member announcements
21. AdjournmentSupervisor Hoffman motioned to adjourn at 9:53PMSeconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk1/3/2025