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January 8, 2025 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were no attendees.

1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at 7:00 PM., and the
Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Newly appointed Jefferson County Sheriff Travis Maze introduced himself. He has been with the
agency for 26 years in many different capacities.

3. Public comment

  • Peter Layton – N429 Oxbow Bend, regarding item #8
    Thinks the notion of allowing parking takes away from the notion that it is a neighborhood. Believes it
    doesn’t make sense to have a lot of people coming and going in a neighborhood.
  • Robert Allard – N377 Oxbow Bend, regarding item #8
    Feels it is just green space with grass and trees and should be kept that way, with no parking.
  • Chuck Miller, N445 Pottawatomi Trl, regarding item #8
    Mentioned negative impacts to neighborhood from allowing parking: privacy, traffic increase, noise
    increase, safety, maintenance, garbage misuse, trespassing, surface water runoff. Wants to know what
    the positive would be.
  • Mark Meyer, N630 Blackhawk Bluff Dr, regarding items #7 & #8
    Feels he would probably see the biggest impact to parking with his property. Would appreciate the
    public respect to the private property. With the land offer, the idea is for it to be a generous gift and to
    expand the green space.
  • Walt Christensen, W7057 Pond Rd, regarding items #7 & #8
    Invites comments on the FEMA land and parks department to the county meetings. Thinks Town
    ownership would have little impact on the offered land. Would like Town to accept donation.
  • Bart Dimattina, N278 Pottawatomi Trl, regarding items #7 & #8
    Feels added traffic would negatively impact neighborhood. Recommends accepting land offer.
  • Wayne Juda, N391 Oxbow Bend, regarding item #8
    Neighborhood helps take care of and maintain lot. Doesn’t want added traffic and safety risk.
  • Jeff Langholff, N1253 County Rd K, regarding item #8
    Feels lake access is there to access the lake, would like to see parking for lake access.

4. Approve meeting minutes from December 2024
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to put the December 2024 meeting minutes on file.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

5. December 2024 Treasurer’s Report
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to put the December 2024 Treasurer’s Report on file.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

6. Discuss/Motion Hausz Brothers Inc. blasting & nonmetallic mining permit requests
Dustin Belke present. Clerk reported no complaints received regarding blasting.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the permits.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

7. Discuss/Motion Mark Meyer land offer
Chairperson and Supervisor Jaeckel are unsure how acquiring the land serves the residents, also have
concerns of maintaining the property and trees that could go down in the channel. Supervisor Hill sees
no downside of accepting it. Supervisor Brandenburg sees pros and cons of accepting the land.
Supervisor Hill motioned to accept the offer of land from Mr. Mark Meyer.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.

Further Discussion: Supervisor Hill reiterated that this would be a long term investment for the Town.
Chairperson reminded that the land is in a conservation easement, so it cannot be developed.
Supervisors Hill & Hoffman voted yes on the motion, Supervisors Jaeckel & Brandenburg and
Chairperson Cheney voted no. Motion voted 2 to 3. Motion denied.

8. Discuss/Motion request for parking at Bingham’s Point
Mr. Jeff Langholff asked the Town to consider to offer parking for lake access & fisherman.
Chairperson appreciates neighbors attending and voicing their opinions, wants to delay action until a
mailer can be sent to the area residents so more of the neighborhood can attend and voice their
opinions. Chairperson feels it is not the Town’s responsibility to provide water access. Supervisor
Hoffman feels the Town’s obligation is to the residents and where they live. Mr. Langholff was
recommended to try working with the County and their property in the area.

9. Discuss/Motion review Building Inspector contract after first year
Building inspector Troy Evenson present, advised everything is going well after the contract’s first
year. Contract is on auto renew, at April 1, with 90 day terms. No action taken.

10. Discuss/Motion Bark River Road culvert work
Culvert is on a private driveway; property owner does not want to see access go away and was not
interested in sharing a cost to fix it. If anything is to be done other than cleaning out the ditch, Town
would need a permit from the DNR.
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to table topic so he can investigate more.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

11. Discuss/Motion resolution to designate funds for 2025 operating budget
Chairperson explained budget deficit amount is $238,512; resolution is to use funds out of our general
fund to cover budget deficit instead of taking out an operational loan.
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the resolution authorizing the designation of undesignated
funds to cover the 2025 deficit.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

12. Discuss/Motion 2025 budget amendment
2025 budget has been updated for animal control costs and to show designated funds from approved
resolution. It now reflects a balanced budget.
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to amend the 2025 budget.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

13. Discuss/Motion State Road 106 ATV signs reimbursement
Bill from county presented for ATV signs on State Road 106.
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to pay the bill as a gesture of good faith of the Town Board.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
Supervisor Hoffman would like to see unused ATV road signs returned to the ATV club.
All in favor. Motion carried.

14. Discuss/Motion proposed 2025 fee schedule
Clerk explained 2025 proposed fee schedule was updated to include the dogs at large fees.
Supervisor Hill motioned to adopt the 2025 fee schedule as amended.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

15. Discuss/Motion purchasing trailer for public works
Dan Butz explained the budgeted amount of $14,000 won’t get us a trailer that Public Works needs.
Last quoted $16,000. Dan will seek a quote from elsewhere. Supervisor Jaeckel suggested some
companies to look into. No action taken.

16. Discuss/Motion Clean Sweep donation
Donation is worked into our budget already.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve a $250 donation.
Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

17. Public Works
Superintendent of Public Works, Dan Butz, presented report.
Supervisor Brandenburg advised of a pothole between the Clavey & Redenius residents on Star School
Rd, and an area on Hackbarth from the road edge to the berm needs to be mowed, trees taken out, and
fence line reduces visibility to the East off of Riggert Rd.
Supervisor Jaeckel inquired about issues with the tractor. Dan explained when tractor is at an incline
and you try to rotate the mower forward, it won’t pivot back and forth, and it started leaking; might
need to be rebuilt.

18. Approve Bills
Clerk explained the Humane Society’s annual contract amount is on the bills report, we receive a 1.5%
discount for making the annual payment at this time.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the bills as presented.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

19. Clerk’s Report

  • Announced Humane Society partnership on social media, got a lot of positive responses and
    over 3200 views
  • A dog collar remote was turned in to the park lost and found
  • We have transitioned to a new payroll company and are running our first payroll with them this
    week. Staff is receiving paper checks this payroll, but direct deposit will resume next payroll.
  • W2s have been distributed to staff
  • Promises Group is no longer renting the Town Hall
  • Candidacy paperwork for the Spring Election has been received by the following:
    • For the Supervisor 1 seat:
      ▪ George Jaeckel, incumbent
      ▪ Walt Christensen
    • For the Supervisor 2 seat:
      ▪ Jim Brandenburg, incumbent
      ▪ Chad Hilstad
  • An after-the-fact fee was issued and collected for a fence permit
  • Supervisor Hoffman has been assigned to certify for Board of Review this year
  • Closed session will be scheduled for next month to review Public Works employees Dale
    Krasemann & Robert Butz

20. Future Agenda Items

  • Closed session for employee reviews
  • Trailer quote
  • Bark River Road culvert work

21. Public comment

  • Walt Christensen, W7057 Pond Rd
    Every year, park volunteers meet on New Years Day to gather and go over next year’s plans, many
    volunteers were happy with what’s happening with the parks.

22. Board Member announcements

23. Adjournment
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 8:49PM.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon, Clerk