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April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 14 attendees.

  1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
    The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 7PM, and the Clerk verified the proper postings
    had been made.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Public comment – agenda items only
    1. Peggy Race, with Bailing Out Benji
      Feels Penny Lane is not in compliance, and wants animals removed. She encourages the Town to consider removing the animals.
    2. Carly Davis, with the Daily Union
      Carly visited the Rockstroh property, advised the newspaper is planning on covering the Town’s meeting on the topic, offered Penny Lane business to give a statement.
    3. Bruce Calloway, lives at Rockstroh residence
      Admits there is a huge overload of dogs he is aware of. He’s got 6 of the existing dog kennels ready and dogs in them. Addressed the outside kennel doors not working, advised there is heat in the building. There are 5 pet adult dogs in the house. Said they’d like to solve the problem and get the dogs in a decent home but are having trouble lately. Asked for recommendation on what to do.
  4. Approve meeting minutes from March 2024
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the March 2024 meeting minutes on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  5. March Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer presented March report.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned put the March Treasurer’s Report on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  6. Discuss/Motion of Chairperson’s second onsite visit to W7541 Koshkonong Lake Road
    and situation regarding dogs on the property
    Chairperson Cheney made a second visit on April 4, 2024, to the Rockstroh property at the
    request of the Department of Agriculture (DATCP) as they had had numerous calls for
    complaints after the March 27, 2024, meeting. Accompanying Cheney on the visit was the two
    inspectors from DATCP who were previously at the property in November, as well as Sheriff
    Deputy Betanski. DATCP noted that none of the conditions had changed from their November
    visit, despite some of the dogs had been moved to the outside kennels. After measuring, they
    deemed the kennels were not adequate size. Patricia Rockstroh had received at this point the
    letter from the Board formally advising we would not renew her kennel license. It was believed
    there were some comprehension issues.
    Cheney spoke with Rockstroh by phone on April 13, 2024, Rockstroh requested another visit and
    that Cheney come alone. The Chairperson was not comfortable with this request, and Supervisor
    Erik Hoffman accompanied her on a third visit on April 15, 2024. Rockstroh allowed them into
    the home; Bruce Calloway was present. Cheney observed some of the dogs that were previously
    in the basement had been moved to the outside kennels, and not all of the 6 kennels – each
    holding 2-3 dogs – had proper bedding, as well as the doors for the dogs to go outside not
    functioning. The basement now was occupied by 8 dogs and 5 puppies. The ammonia smell was
    very bad. Cheney and Hoffman counted 28 dogs total that visit. Supervisor Hoffman advised his
    feelings have not changed after this visit.
    Cheney has sent a letter to Jefferson County Zoning asking them to revoke Rockstroh’s
    conditional use permit. A department manager with DATCP spoke with Cheney and advised,
    based on 3 inspections from DATCP, they are going to recommend revoking her breeders
    license. After consulting with the Town’s attorney, Cheney explained the Township could step in
    and take action, however, it is costly, which she confirmed after speaking with the Humane
    Society. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department is currently reviewing the situation. Cheney
    has also spoken with local rescues, but has been advised that Rockstroh would have to surrender
    the dogs for the rescues to assist.
    Bruce Calloway present, advised he has not been very involved in the Penny Lane business,
    mentioned Rockstroh trying to reach compliance and start again with her licenses. Cheney stated
    the Town would be very reluctant to issue her a kennel license after this. Board discussed
    possibility of licensing her 5 stud dogs as they are her pets, although zoning only allows 4.
    Supervisor Brandenburg suggested possible condition to be included with license that they be
    neutered so Rockstroh could not continue the business without licenses. Supervisor Hill asked
    Calloway if he would try to convince Rockstroh to surrender the dogs. Supervisor Hoffman
    would like Calloway to contact the Board after speaking to Rockstroh, and believes using a local
    rescue would be best in this situation.
  7. Discuss/Motion road agreement with Austin Naber for County Line Road
    Austin Naber not present. The proposed road agreement was provided. Agreement only needed
    for from Naber’s driveway to Highway 26. Cheney will reach out to Austin to see if he has any
    questions. Supervisor Jaeckel suggested Board granting the Chairperson authority to sign the
    agreement on behalf of the Board after speaking with Austin. Board agreed.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the road agreement if Austin Naber agrees to it.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  8. Discuss/Motion 2023 year-end budget review and designation of carryover
    The Township had a surplus at the end of 2023, because of designations that we did not use. We
    balanced our 2024 budget with an agreement to take out a loan for operational costs for $71,000.
    Cheney explained that the carryover could have us no longer needing the loan, however there
    would not be much wiggle room. We did not use any funds in crack filling, seal coating, and
    road construction, which has been carried over. We do have a commitment to repaving Oxbow
    Bend. We were under in wages for 2023, and have estimated high for 2024. Cheney feels we
    have brought wages up to competitive levels. We did not spend much on tree trimming. Cheney
    suggests the Town still take out a loan for cushion. The 2024 budget was updated. Dan Butz
    proposed possibly getting an ATV for Public Works usage.
  9. Discuss/Motion removal of a dead tree at W6178 Hackbarth Rd
    There is a dead tree in the right of way on Hackbarth Road, estimate for removal is $2k.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to remove the dead tree.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  10. Discuss/Motion notice posting resolution
    Cheney explained the updated resolution proposal, which would require our notices to be posted
    on our Town website and physically at the Town Hall, as per state statute.
    Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the resolution.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  11. Discuss/Motion clean sweep donation
    Cheney feels a donation would be a show of goodwill by the Town.
    Supervisor Hill motioned to approve a $250 donation.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  12. Public Works Report
    Public Works Superintendent Dan Butz present, reported the following
    1. Tree work being done
    2. Minimal pothole work, no hotmix available last he checked
    3. Truck repairs being done
    4. He and the Chairperson met with Harmon to finalize shop addition concerns; Harmon’s
      engineer signed off on them. Foaming in the wall was not successful; some parts were
      filled, other parts were not. Dan recommends to have his contractor come back for
      warranty and redo it.
    5. Supervisor Jaeckel thanked Public Works for speedy work when he called about
      potholes, Supervisor Hoffman also thanked them for work on a pothole on Oxbow Bend.
  13. Approve Bills
    Clerk presented April bills report.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned approve the April bills, but with the BOS payment withheld
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  14. Clerk’s Report
    1. Carol Clavey worked as an election inspector for the April 2nd election, and requested her
      poll worker wages be donated to the park fund. The Clerk will send her a thank you letter
      for her donation on behalf of the Board.
    2. Assessment notices mailed to residents who’s assessment changed.
  15. Discuss only Public Works department concerns
    Superintendent Dan Butz wanted to address some concerns regarding Public Works and give the
    Board a chance to ask the department any questions. Dan addressed concerns regarding in-shop
    work done on rainy days, explained the detailed time sheets the employees keep as well as a
    detailed work log kept by Dan. Plowing was discussed; Dan demonstrated plow routes on map,
    and advised Board members could make any suggestions on the route if they had any. Supervisor
    Jaeckel has concerns about Jaeckel Road falling at the end of the plow route with it being on the
    opposite side of Town of the plowing starting point. Jaeckel will consider giving an estimate for
    him to plow Jaeckel Road, or get a bid for Northwest to plow it. Supervisor Hill trusts Dan’s
    judgment in adjusting.
  16. Future Agenda Items
    1. Clerk & Treasurer are up for annual reviews
           o Closed session will be held May 8, 2024, at 6:30PM
    2. Loan resolution
    3. Potential changes to our bank account
    4. 2024 budget resolution
    5. Shop addition
  17. Public comment
    • Walt Christensen
    Felt it was too bad the Daily Union journalist who was present at the meeting earlier was not
    around to hear discussion on Public Works, specifically on Dan’s explanation of plowing routes;
    feels it is important the public understands these topics.
    • Mavis O’Morrow
    Commented on Rockstroh dogs situation. Mavis believes that the aging/disability center at the
    County could Patricia. Believes people with dementia don’t realize their mental capacity is
    • Jenny via Zoom
    Has concerns about well being of the Rockstroh dogs; thinks that her partner (Calloway) has
    profited from the business, and feels he may be complicit. Jenny hopes there is a solution and it
    doesn’t take too much longer. She has concerns about Rockstroh moving the dogs and trying to
    cover things up.
    • Chris Johnson via Zoom
    Thanked dan for stopping by and offering to help someone with a pontoon boat that fell off a
    • Eaan Carson, with Koshkonong Public Works
    Inquired about concern for horses on property in addition to dogs.
  18. Board Member announcements
    1. Supervisor Brandenburg: Carol asked about the edge of her driveway where it meets the
      road needs attention. This will be filled with cold patch.
    2. Chairperson Cheney: drainage issue at the end of Fairview being looked at.
  19. Adjournment
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to adjourn at 9:44PM.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon