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August 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Chairman Bill Burlingame called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong Township to order at 6:30 pm. The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.

Chairman Bill Burlingame, Supervisors Walt Christensen, Jim Brandenburg, Matt Hill and Clerk Kim Cheney present.

Supervisors Brandenburg/Christensen made a motion to convene into closed session at 6:32 pm. Motion carried.

Supervisors Brandenburg/Hill made motion to adjourn closed session and to reconvene following Town Board Meeting at 7:02 pm. Motion carried.

Town of Koshkonong
Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2021 7:00 pm

Chairman Bill Burlingame called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong Township to order at 7:05 pm. The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
Chairman Bill Burlingame, Supervisors Walt Christensen, Jim Brandenburg, Matt Hill. Clerk Bridget Woods, Administrative Assistant Kim Cheney and Treasurer Caitlin Kincannon present.

The meeting was also provided virtually via Zoom. No residents were in attendance.

Public Comments-none at this time

Approve meeting minutes from July 21.
Supervisors Hill/Christensen made motion to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Supervisors Brandenburg/Hill made a motion to approve August treasurer report as presented. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action to create a 0.421-acre A-2 zone in an existing A-3 zone located at N1538 County Road K, PIN# 016-0514-1513-004.
Supervisor Christensen asked resident if they have contacted the neighboring property owners regarding the construction of a building. He also asked about noise, resident assures that noise will not be an issue.

Discuss/Action for a conditional use permit to allow a storage building of contractor’s equipment and materials in proposed A-2 zone located at N1538 County Road K, PIN# 016-0514-1513-004.
Supervisor Christensen asked resident to follow the Town’s outdoor lighting ordinance. The structure will only be used to store vehicles and trailers for the resident’s business.

Board approved the re-zone and conditional use permit unanimously.

Discuss/Action Road Agreement for Vickerman Road with Rock Roads Companies, Inc.
Mike Marquette from Rock Roads Companies reviewed the proposed Road Agreement for the section of Vickerman Road that their gravel pit will be using. Changes to lines 2, 14, and 20 were discussed and a final draft of the road agreement was signed by Chairman Burlingame, Supervisor Jim Brandenburg and Michael Marquette to be retro-active starting July 21, 2021.

Clerk’s report
Clerk Bridget Woods went over the email received from the WTA regarding proposed ARPA projects. She also mentioned that she attended the Redistricting meeting and Jefferson County is working on establishing a timeline.

Road construction dates are: Hoge Road begins 8/23, Star School Road begins 8/24, Kunz Road begins 8/25, Kutz Road begins 8/26, Koshkonong Lake Road begins 8/27, Fairway Dr begins 8/27, Blackhawk Bluff Drive beings 8/28 and Potawatomi Trail begins 8/30. Clerk Woods also mentioned that she has received a juror summons, and may be out of the office if she is called upon to serve.

A new bill is in the House of Representatives that specifically will offer aid for roads, bridges and rail.

Approve Bills
Supervisors Brandenburg/Christensen made a motion to pay the bills. Motion carried.

Future Agenda items.
ATV/UTV discussion with Cold Spring Riders
Jefferson County Redistricting
Driveway ordinance

Public Comment
Michael Marquette of Rock Roads comments that pulverizing roads does not allow for company to recycle the old asphalt. Virgin aggregate has a much higher cost.

Gary Poeppel has two driveways and asks if he needs a driveway permit to widen and raise them to level out the driveways. He also mentioned concerns of the seal coating project and the pea gravel that will end up in the roadway ditches. All properties should be as important as the subdivision areas with the post seal coating clean up. He was reassured that the excess gravel will be swept and vacuumed on all roads in the project.

Gary Poeppel is also concerned about how the Town will control ATV/UTVs if they approve to allow these vehicles on Town roads.

Supervisors Brandenburg/Hill made a motion to adjourn at 9:19 pm. Motion carried.

Supervisors Hill/Christensen made a motion to reconvene into closed session at 9:20 pm. Motion carried.

Supervisors Hill/Christensen made a motion to adjourn closed session at 10:43 pm. Motion carried.

Supervisors Christensen/Hill made a motion to return to open session. Motion carried.

Supervisors Christensen/Hill made a motion to increase wages for Public works employee, Dan Butz’ hourly rate $1.00, and award 5 personal days to be effective August 22, 2021. Motion carried.

Supervisors Christensen/Hill made a motion to adjourn at 10:46 pm. Motion carried.

Bridget Woods
Town Clerk
