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August 14, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke
Supervisor Matt Hill not present

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 15 ZOOM attendees.

  1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
    The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at
    7:00 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Public comment – agenda items only. No other audience comment allowed.
    • Rich Kinkade, N945 Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
      Inquired on how much cost has been spent maintaining public access. Suggested board getting legal opinion on matter.
    • Shelly Cloute, N965 Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
      Wants clarification on public road; who is responsible after it ends at the water.
  4. Approve meeting minutes from July 2024
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the July 2024 meeting minutes on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  5. July 2024 Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer Grulke presented the Treasurer’s report.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to put the July 2024 Treasurer’s Report on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  6. Discuss/Motion land gift proposal from Mark Meyer on Pottawatomi Trl
    Mark Meyer present. He explained there is green space that the Township owns, and Mr. Meyer owns the lot to the North and is offering it to the Township. Lot is 0.422 acres. He suggested the idea of combining the lot with the green space. Town would need to consult with its attorney for that. There is a conservation easement on the lot permanently. Chairperson advised we’ll speak with attorney and table decision on this until the next meeting.
  7. Discuss/Motion variance request by Steve Ganser to allow for a second boathouse at less than 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark at N511 Haight Rd
    Steve Ganser present, explained variance request is for moving an existing shed.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the moving of the shed.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  8. Discuss/Motion City of Fort Atkinson request to work in road right of way on Hoard Rd
    Andy Selle, City of Fort Atkinson, City Engineer, present. Chairperson Cheney explained City is working on development off Banker Rd and needs to do some work in the right of way on Hoard Rd.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the City’s request to work in the right of way.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  9. Discuss/Motion proposed cemetery on Tri County Rd
    Clerk has not received material for this discussion. Tabled until more information received.
  10. Discuss/Motion ordinance violations at N2486 Rock River Rd
    Neighbor to N2486 property, Ryan Hitt, present. N2486 property owner, Robert Parnell, not present. Mr. Hitt had emailed the Town with a list of ordinances he believes the property is violating and would like property maintenance issues addressed. Another neighbor, Greg Wellach, present. Mr. Wellach acknowledged there is no ordinance for aesthetics of properties; wishes there was. Would like the Town to control what they can, such as overgrown noxious weeds on the property. Would like to see time restraints on fence permits, which is also an issue at the property with an ongoing fence project. Greg advised his property value is affected by his neighbor.
    Chairperson advised that we sent a letter to the property owner for the weeds, and there is no time limit on our fence permits. Chairperson feels that noxious weeds and the fence are what the Town can enforce, and the rest are civil issues.
  11. Discuss/Motion survey proposals for public accesses on Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
    John Kannard quoted surveying the public accesses on Vinnie Ha Ha Rd at $1500-$1800 each to both the public road access and the public DNR access. Combs & Associates also provided a surveying quote at $1200-$1300 each. There have been issues of the neighboring property to the Indian Mound St parking on the public access. Supervisors Brandenburg and Jaeckel feel both public accesses should be surveyed. Chairperson suggested putting a no parking sign up on the DNR access. Board would like to know where the Town’s responsibility is by knowing exact lot lines by doing these surveys.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned approve quote and have both parcels surveyed for approximately $2500.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  12. Discuss/Motion use of public access on Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
    Chairperson suggested waiting to create guidelines of restrictions until access is surveyed. Supervisor Brandenburg does not support putting up a cable. Supervisor Hoffman feels the access should be just solely for lake access. Chairperson would like to see guidelines such as imposing a vehicle weight limit. Cost of past maintenance was asked in public comment; Public Works has been out there a few times over the past year and a half to maintain. Signage was suggested to clearly mark the land once it is surveyed. Chairperson reiterated the Town is not trying to close it down or deny access. Enforcement of vehicle restriction questioned, barrier
    discussed. Discussion tabled once access is surveyed.
  13. Discuss/Motion use of Indian Mound St public access on Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
    Discussion tabled once access is surveyed.
  14. Discuss/Motion crack fill bids
    Dan Butz provided bids obtained from Fahrner & Thunder Road.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to award bid to Fahrner Asphalt Sealers for crack filling for $12,669.50.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  15. Discuss/Motion chip seal bids
    Dan Butz provided bids obtained from Fahrner & Scott Construction.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to award bid to Fahner Asphalt Sealers for chip sealing for Koshkonong Mounds Rd and Poeppel from Sunset Ln to County Line for approximately $51,000.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  16. Discuss/Motion to hire a grant writer for ARIP applications
    The second round of the AgRIP grant has opened up. Chairperson reached out to two grant writing companies to obtain quotes. Town could also do the grant ourselves and have General Engineering review for a quoted $500. General Engineering quoted $2,000-$4,000. Cedar Corp has not yet submitted a quote at this time.
    Chairperson suggested reaching out to GEC to obtain a template and have them review it at the $500 price.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to have GEC review application at $500 price.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  17. Public Works Report
    Dan Butz present, reported Public Works work has been much of the same as last month’s report. Bark River Road is opened back up.
    Supervisor Brandenburg inquired about the leaks on the 550 truck that was quoted for repairs for approximately
    $4000. Work has not been done yet.
  18. Approve Bills
    Clerk advised some specifics: 2023 operational loan matured and has been paid off, election workers were paid for the August election, 2% fire dues were distributed, boat patrol annual dues.
    Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to pay the bills.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  19. Clerk’s Report
    • We issued an after the fact fee on a fence permit
    • Had issues with garbage company truck leaking broken glass in our streets. Account rep advised issue was fixed.
    • 2023 operational loan matured and has been paid off
    • Code enforcement has been busy: Haight Road property request to be cleaned up, noxious weeds on properties, littering yard waste on Town property, overgrown vacant lots on Vinnie Ha Ha, dogs at large
    • August 13, 2024, election was good turnout. 33% voter turnout. Voter count was 839. We have approximately 2500 registered voters.
    • Upcoming office hours advised:
      • Clerk’s office closed week of August 19
      • Week of August 26 office will be closed but Clerk will be available virtually
  20. Future Agenda Items
    • Mark Meyer’s proposed land gift
    • Town property south of Monclair
    • Tri County Rd cemetery proposal
    • N2486 Rock River Road
    • 2x Vinnie Ha Ha public accesses
    • 550 truck repairs
  21. Public comment
    • Greg Wellach, N2482 Rock River Rd
      Thanked board for listening. Questioned having, updating, and enforcement of ordinances. Expects Board to research ordinance book when a complaint is reported to determine what can and can’t be enforced. Supervisors Hoffman and Jaeckel acknowledged that the Board has previously considered looking into suggestions of courts, policing, and constables. We eventually contracted with a code enforcement as a result.
    • Shelly Cloute, N965 Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
      Thanked board for discussing Vinnie Ha Ha. Feels it is not about neighbors, but about land preservation.
    • Carolyn Schiffner, N959 Vinnie Ha Ha Rd
      Thanked Board for time put in on the Vinnie Ha Ha discussion. Felt an audience member’s public comment was more of a conversation.
  22. Board Member announcements
    • Chairperson & Dan Butz met with the County on Oxbow regarding the LRIP money. It was decided it can’t be milled, so it will just be overlayed. It will be done after Labor Day.
    • Supervisor Jaeckel advised the County passed the ATV ordinance update, allowing ATV use on State Highway 106 from Blackhawk Island Rd to Sinnissippi Dr. Hopes by mid-September it will be open with signs.
  23. Adjournment
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to adjourn at 9:15 PM.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon
