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February 17, 2025 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke absent

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 4 attendees.

  1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
    The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at
    7:00 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Chief reports
  4. Public comment – agenda items only
  5. Approve meeting minutes from January 2025
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to put the January 2025 meeting minutes on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  6. January 2025 Treasurer’s Report
    Clerk advised Treasurer is out sick, and the Treasurer’s January report will be postponed to next
    month as we are still reconciling our books after transitioning to a new payroll company.
  7. Discuss/Motion request by Stefan Gieryn to rezone A-1 to A-3 a 1-acre residential lot at
    N138 McMillen Rd
    Stefan Gieryn present, explained he would like to portion off the property to give an acre to his
    son so he can build there.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the rezone request.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  8. Discuss/Motion request for text amendment to the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance
    to allow for regulations of solar development throughout the County
    Supervisor Jaeckel explained that Jefferson County already has a zoning ordinance for solar
    farms. The amendment is to regulate larger solar developments.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the text amendment to the Jefferson County Zoning
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  9. Discuss Jefferson County preliminary poll and request for Town Official input on
    Accessory Dwelling Units
    Supervisor Jaeckel explained Accessory Dwelling Units. Supervisor Hoffman feels allowing
    ADUs is a good idea, but would like to see regulations; he does not want to see them become
    Airbnbs. Board would like Clerk to send a letter to the County with these opinions.
  10. Discuss/Motion plow truck purchase
    Dan Butz explained that a truck is available. Current trucks and their conditions discussed.
    Supervisor Hill motioned to table the discussion until May.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  11. Discuss roads
    1. LRIP
      Town received reimbursement from the Oxbow Bend project. It was an asphalt purchase,
      which only qualified for 50% reimbursement, and we have already paid for it. We still have
      money that can be used for a future project.
    2. Road school
      Chair would like to attend road school along with Public Works staff to attend seminars
      that are beneficial for Town Officials. Discussion will be on next month’s agenda for attendance
    3. Future roadwork
      We have 4 years to use the funds from the LRIP. Supervisor Hoffman advised we should
      keep an eye on interest rates when deciding on future projects. Old 26 Road was discussed as a
      potential project.
    4. WISLR ratings
      Ratings are due this year, we’ll need to update our ratings.
  12. Discuss/Motion approve Clerk attendance of the Clerk’s Institute
    Chair explained that Clerk is interested in attending the Clerk’s Institute, and it would be
    beneficial to the Clerk role.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the Clerk’s attendance of the Clerk’s Institute.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  13. Discuss/Motion Public Works trailer purchase
    Dan Butz has received trailer bids ranging from $16,400 to $16,700 to $28,000. Supervisor
    Brandenburg asked about housing intentions; trailer would be stored in the shop, and there is
    ample space. Dan explained working with 1 trailer currently has not been efficient with multiple
    trips across town.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the purchase of a trailer from I90 at $16,700.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion. Chairperson Cheney, Supervisors Jaeckel, Hoffman, and Hill voted in
    favor; Supervisor Brandenburg opposed. Motion voted 4-1. Motion carried.
  14. Public Works
    County Highway department passed on compliments to Koshkonong Public Works department
    and the work they do.
    1. Report
      Superintendent Dan Butz provided Public Works report. Supervisor Brandenburg’s
      requests from last month have been completed.
    2. Projects
      No requests
  15. Approve Bills
    Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to approve the bills as presented.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  16. Clerk’s Report
    • Road right of way permit issued to Charter Spectrum for fiber optics installation work on
    Hackbarth Road from January 15 – February 1. Restoration is planned for after the thaw
    in April.
    • Monthly payroll for salaried employees, including Board members, has been adjusted to
    pay out on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays moving forward
    • Badger Books have been purchased but are delayed, and will not be utilized during the
    February 18th Spring Primary Election
    • Clerk held the ballot placement drawing to determine candidate order under their contests
    in the Spring Election. Placement will be as follows:
             o Supervisor 1 seat:
                ▪ George Jaeckel listed first
                ▪ Walt Christensen listed second
            o Supervisor 2 seat:
                ▪ Chad Hilstad listed first
                ▪ Jim Brandenburg listed second
    • Spring Primary Election will be held February 18, at the Town Hall
    • A public hearing will be held in March for a liquor license request
    • Open Book scheduled May 1, 10AM-12PM; Board of Review scheduled May 28, 5-7PM
    • 2025 fire/EMS contract with the City of Fort Atkinson price has increased 2.9% for CPI
    • Closed session will be scheduled for March to review employees Caitlin Kincannon &
    Ryan Butz
  17. Future Agenda Items
    • Public hearing March 12 at 7PM
    • Liquor license request consideration
    • Closed session March 12 at 6:30PM
    • Road school attendance approvals
    • Salt purchase
    • For May 2025: plow truck purchase
  18. Public comment
    • Chris Johnson & Anastasia Vega, N653 Old 26 Rd
    If considering Old 26 Road as a project, advised a lot to consider and budget for. Also mentioned
    not in favor of solar farms. Questions the speed limit on Old 26 Rd as it changes at a point.
    • John & Lisa Patzer, W5880 Hackbarth Rd
    Advised semis are turning onto Hackbarth due to possible visibility issues with signage. Also
    mentioned drainage issues near their property as there is no ditch.
  19. Board Member announcements
    • Chairperson Cheney & Supervisor Brandenburg attended WTA meeting. Jefferson
    County Sheriff advised of gang activity in surrounding area.
  20. Adjournment
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 8:25PM.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon