+1 920-563-4510
Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk Caitlin KincannonTreasurer Alicia Grulke
This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were no attendees.
Chairperson Kim Cheney called the Town of Koshkonong public hearing to order at 7 PM.
The Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
Chairperson Cheney announced the purpose of the public hearing is for public comment on theproposed golf cart ordinance.
Chairperson Cheney opened up public comment.
A resident from the audience inquired about the proposed ordinance. Chairperson Cheney explainedthere was a fairly large request for golf cart usage. Supervisor Hill explained the Board originallythought to address ATVs and golf carts at the same time, but decided to address them separately.Hill felt that allowing some vehicles but not others would not be fair, and wanted to extend the samepublic access for residents equally. The Board obtained a template ordinance from a surroundingcommunity. Supervisor Hoffman feels it’s safer to be on a golf cart with a sign than to be apedestrian with no sign.
Another resident from the audience asked about enforcement. The Board responded the Sheriffwould enforce; the ordinance will state drivers must be of legal driving age and have a valid driver’slicense.
Chairperson Cheney adjourned the public hearing at 7:06 PM.
Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk1/16/2024