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July 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 7 attendees.

  1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
    The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at
    7:00 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Public comment – agenda items only. No other audience comment allowed.
    • Chief Peterson with the Fort Atkinson Fire Department
      Discussed upcoming events with the FAFD. Discussed the Maintenance of Effort reporting done by the department. Mentioned department is offering CPR training and it is open to the public.
    • Kim Chamberlain, N987 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Asked for more clarification on Town Board meeting protocol. Chairperson Cheney explained agenda items are for board discussion only, public comment is for the public’s input.
    • Hank Chamberlain, N987 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Hank explained on June 29, a large tree came off the river and worked its way down the lake, being pushed onto the east shore. Neighbors were able to pull it out with a truck, a bobcat was required to assist in work. If the large tree would have gotten loose, it would have drifted farther south and could have taken out several piers. It was a case of neighbors helping the area.
    • Michelle Cloute, N965 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Wants clarification on where the public road ends, and clarification on only utilizing it one time a year for a gathering. Said ground down there is not conducive for heavy equipment. Has provided photos of damage. Concerned about preservation of the lake.
    • JR Hommer, N949 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Provided history of area. Read procedures for a municipality to discontinue a road. Advised neighborhood enjoys the right to the public road.
    • Tom Koebel, N1001 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Believes the easement is there for the public to use, believes it has been used by neighborhood for its intended purpose. Sees it as reasonable to use. If there is to be an issue down the road if it is not used for its intended purpose or being damaged, issue should be addressed, but he has not seen that.
    • Clerk read an email submitted for public commit from Bob Burnett, N983 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Feels he has never encountered problems or issues with how the access road has been used.
      Described ways access has been used recently for usefulness. Hopes for a mutual resolution.
    • Karen Kinkade, N945 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Described neighbors near access had work in the past done with permits; is worried about that type of work being done again with issue of access usage.
  4. Approve meeting minutes from June 2024
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the June 2024 minutes on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  5. June 2024 Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer presented June 2024 financial report.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the June 2024 Treasurer’s Report on file.
    Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  6. Discuss/Motion drainage issues at N885 US Highway 12
    Zeller Daniel present, he lives at the property. Chairperson Cheney explained situation of
    property flooding and not draining properly, Mr. Daniel alleges this was not an issue prior to the
    Highway 12 construction, and it currently has over 8 inches of standing water. Public Works
    Superintendent Dan Butz and Chairperson observed the property; Dan indicated resolving the
    issue would be about half a days work involving 3 public works employees to resolve the issue.
    Supervisor Jaeckel has concerns about doing any work in the highway right of way without state
    permission. Supervisors Hill and Hoffman support doing the work with state approval.
    Supervisor Brandenburg would like another contractor to quote the work. The Chairperson will
    reach out to Craig Hardy to find out if a permit will be needed and suggested Mr. Daniel obtain
    another contractor’s quote.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned for Chairperson to reach out to DOT to see if we can work in the
    right of way to remedy the issue, and if DOT approves, Town will do the work if Mr. Daniel
    cannot find a private contractor to do it.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  7. Discuss/Motion Vinnie Ha Ha right of way use
    Chairperson Cheney made clear that the Town does not want to shut down/vacate/get rid of the
    access. It is platted as a public road which makes it open to anybody from the public;
    Chairperson believes it is the benefit of both the Town and the local residents that there are
    restrictions on it, especially when the Town is asked to fix it when it is damaged. Chairperson
    noted that residents bringing a stage in the day after it rained and then bringing in fill to fix what
    was damaged probably required a permit. A suggestion from Dan Butz was discussed with idea
    of creating a cable to restrict vehicle use for walking access. Supervisor Hill feels specific access
    can still be obtained with the coordination of a Town official, perhaps with a key, so any damage
    can be known and handled accordingly. Chairperson concerned about if a barricade is put up,
    people may drive around it and into neighboring property. Supervisor Hill would like cable to be
    hi-viz if we go that route, for safety and visibility, and questioned what official would be a key
    holder. Supervisor Hoffman suggested signage with this option. Chairperson did obtain quote
    from a surveyor for $1200-1500 to survey the access. Board agrees it should be surveyed,
    Supervisor Jaeckel would like to get quotes from other surveyors and asked Dan Butz to get
    quotes for posts and cable. Discussion tabled until August meeting.
  8. Discuss/Motion ATV ordinance amendment
    Amendment to ordinance allowing ATV usage on Town roads presented. Amendment would add
    exception to allow ATV usage on State Highway 106 from Blackhawk Island Road to
    Sinnissippi Drive. Supervisor Jaeckel explained the County will be amending their ordinance as
    well for this, and exception will not go into effect until County puts up signage.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the amendment to the ordinance.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  9. Public Works Report
    Public Works Superintendent Dan Butz present. Supervisor Hill inquired about mower repair.
    Mower is still operational, just has a minor leak.
  10. Approve Bills
    Clerk present bills report, mentioned loan payment on there is the first of 5 payments with loan
    maturing in 2028.
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned approve the bills as presented.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  11. Clerk’s Report
    • Code enforcement activity for resident littering yard waste on a public easement and a property on Haight Road with debris and grass overgrowth
    • Issue with personal property in the right of way on Blackhawk Island Road, resident has complied
    • Annual licenses recently issued:
      • 6 “Class B” liquor licenses (max quota met)
      • 3 “Class A” liquor licenses
      • 3 tobacco licenses
      • 4 campground licenses
      • 1 mobile home park license
      • 34 operator licenses – likely to issue more
      • In total 51 licenses issued
    • Upcoming election August 13, 2024. Polls open 7AM, close 8PM.
    • August board meeting will be the 15th (Thursday)
      • Closed session will scheduled August 15th at 6:30PM for public works employee reviews
  12. Future Agenda Items
    • Bark River Road once the water recedes
    • Employee reviews
    • Vinnie Ha Ha right of way
  13. Public comment
    • David Schmeling, N1011 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Questioned what restrictions would be; by type of vehicle, time of year, weight, etc.
    • Michelle Cloute, N965 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Has concerns about aesthetics.
    • Tom Koebel, N1001 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Asks board that they would consider the use of that roadway for the neighborhood, using it in a responsible manner that does not damage it or bring in safety issues. Feels a resident is asking board to get involved in a non-town issue. Asks board to consider the whole neighborhood and the past access use in a responsible manner.
    • Chad Hilstad, N915 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Asked if Board would consider permit requests for special access. Board answered it is a possibility, but we’d have to write an ordinance and come up with perimeters. Asked about pedestrian path on Koshkonong Mounds Road. Chairperson advised it is still in the works, there’s some grants we could apply for and we’d have to acquire some right of way. It is ongoing, but it’s complicated.
    • Zeller Daniel, N885 US Hwy 12
      If DOT does not allow work in the right of way for his drainage issue, he has noticed a lot of farmers put drain tile in fields, and it goes to a drainage ditch; Mr. Daniel wondered if he should contact drain tile company. Supervisor Jaeckel said if he has access to dump it somewhere.
    • Dean Trost, W7097 Blackhawk Island Road
      Thanked board for approving ATV access to Blackhawk Island Road. Asked Dan Butz if any signage was needed, offered to help supply.
    • Kim Chamberlain, N987 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
      Asked if restrictions that will be proposed on the right of way being discussed will be in writing for the August board meeting. Chairperson confirmed yes.
    • Supervisor Brandenburg asked Mr. Trost how many club members ATV club has.
      Mr. Trost answered 40 families.
  14. Board Member announcements
    • Supervisor Hill advised a resident mentioned that the sign for horse run vehicles was difficult to read. Dan Butz agreed, said he was not happy with the font it came in as. Hill asked if sign were to be ordered again if it could be it could be bigger font.
  15. Adjournment
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 8:35 PM.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon
