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July 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Chairman Bill Burlingame called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong Township to order at 7:00 pm. The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.

Chairman Bill Burlingame, Supervisors Walt Christensen, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill. Clerk Bridget Woods, Administrative Assistant Kim Cheney and Treasurer Caitlin Kincannon present.

The meeting was also provided virtually via Zoom. Two residents were in attendance.

Public Comments

Jamie Steffen spoke in favor of allowing ATV/UTVs on Town Roads. Quoted DNR statistics for 2020.
Gary Poeppel is opposed to ATV/UTVs on Town roads and is concerned about damages and who will have to pay for them.

Rich Rozelle introduced Cold Spring Riders INC officers as Phillip Kienbaum, President, Steve Fay, Vice President, Jane Becker, Treasurer and himself as Secretary of the club.

Approve meeting minutes from June 9

Supervisors Hoffman/Brandenburg made a motion to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report for June

Supervisors Brandenburg/Hoffman made a motion to approve June’s Treasurer report. Motion carried.

Award Seal Coat Bids

Supervisors Brandenburg/Christensen made a motion to award Seal Coat Road bids to Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC after much discussion. Supervisor Brandenburg requests that Poeppel, Woodlawn, Ra Le and Primrose be removed from the bid to reach the budgeted amount of $200,000. Supervisor Christensen requested that Poeppel Rd (Hackbarth to McIntyre) be added back. Motion carried with a vote of 4 yes and 1 no, in the amount of $217,790.

Discuss/Action Conditional use permit for an extensive on-site storage structure at N853 Long Drive
Supervisors Hoffman/Christensen made a motion to approve the Conditional Use permit at N853 Long Drive. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action Rock Road Co. request to extend their conditional use permit to operate a gravel pit on Vickerman Road
Ryan Spies of Rock Road Companies, INC with Chuck and Kathy Naber are present to request a Conditional Use permit extension for the gravel pit located on Vickerman Road. Supervisors Hoffman/Brandenburg made a motion to approve the extension of Conditional Use permit to operate a gravel pit on Vickerman Road. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action Rock Road Co. request for a blasting and mining permit at the current gravel pit on Vickerman Road
Supervisor Christensen has spoken to residents in the area of the gravel pit and many are concerned about the blasting damaging area home foundations and wells. Rock Road Companies states that all homes and wells are “outside of 1000 feet from the blast area.” Another concern is the explosives used. Ryan Spies of Rock Road Companies assures that no explosives are stored on site, and that they hire a company to come on-site to perform the blasting.

Supervisors Hoffman/Brandenburg made a motion to approve the Blasting and Non-Metallic Mining permit of $150 for Blasting and $500 for Non-Metallic Mining permits. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action Rock Road Asphalt plant permit

The current fee schedule indicates a range of $150-$5000 for asphalt plant operations. The full fee of $5,000 was agreed upon with a fee of $150 up front and the balance of $4850 will be paid once the asphalt plant is operational.

Supervisors Christensen/Hill made a motion for a fee of $150.00 be paid up front and the balance of $4850.00 to be paid when the asphalt plant is operational as a condition of the permit approval. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action Road Use Agreement with Rock Road Companies, Inc.

Road reconstruction following the 10-year conditional use needs to be more detailed in the road agreement. Rock Road Companies INC asks for time to inspect the portion of Vickerman Road. The Town requests that the Town designee be present throughout the inspection. The Road Agreement will be revisited during the Town Board’s August meeting.

Discuss ATV use on Town Roads with Cold Spring Riders

Rich Rozelle of Cold Spring Riders asks the Town to consider allowing recreational ATV/UTV use on Town roads for easier access to County Roads. He will send a copy of the Club’s by-laws so that the Board can review them.

Supervisor Christensen suggests for the Town to create a noise and cruising (repeated passes) ordinance, provided the Board’s decision will allow recreational ATV/UTV use on town roads.

Resident Gary Poeppel asks who will enforce the ATV/UTV use and who is going to absorb the cost of the violations.

Resident Rich Rozelle also offers that the Cold Spring Riders Club will pay for any signage on the roadways that the Town would require.

He states that the club will send a list of town roads that they would like access for operating ATV/UTVs on.

This discussion will be revisited during a future meeting.

Discuss/Action Jefferson County Zoning Amendments

Supervisors Brandenburg/Hoffman made a motion to accept the zoning amendments. Motion carried.

Discuss/Action ARPA funds designated to a certificate of deposit.

Supervisors Hoffman/Christensen made a motion to approve placing ARPA funds of $197,823.57 into a 9-month Certificate of Deposit, earning 0.17% interest. Motion carried.

Clerk’s report

Clerk Woods noted that she sent a list of potential projects to the Department of Treasury for help in the decision of what types of projects can be funded with the ARPA monies. The first tranche of ARPA funds was awarded on June 25, and the second tranche will be sent by the Department of Treasury in June 2022.

The Wisconsin Towns Association Unit meeting next week.

Also, an employee’s performance review is due in August.

Approve Bills

Supervisors Brandenburg/Christensen made a motion to pay the bills. Motion carried.

Future Agenda items.
Rock Road Companies INC Road agreement
ATV/UTV continuing discussion with Cold Spring Riders Employee performance review

Public Comment

Ruth Neidlinger spoke about the gravel pit on Vickerman Road running late at night and the noise this will bring. She also expressed concern that the activity of the gravel pit will scare off the wildlife. Further, she has concerns about the mining damaging the water table.

Supervisor Christensen stated that there is a parks fundraiser coming up called “Brew with a View”.


Supervisors Hoffman/Brandenburg made a motion to adjourn at 10:31pm. Motion carried.

Bridget Woods Town Clerk

Published August 2, 2021