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June 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 9 attendees.

1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at 7:09 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Public comment

  • Chief Pickering with Lakeside Fire-Rescue
    Chief Pickering presented monthly report for Lakeside Fire-Rescue. Town of Koshkonong has only had 2 calls year-to-date, none in the last month.
  • Henry Chamberlain, N987 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
    Mr. Chamberlain read aloud letter he emailed to the Chairperson regarding the public right of way on Vinnie Ha Ha Road.
  • Shelly Cloute, N965 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
    In regards to what Mr. Chamberlain spoke on; witnessed vehicles/equipment using access, questioned if tax payers paid for repairs to the access. Feels that it keeps becoming damaged after the Town has fixed it in the past.
  • Rich Kinkade, N945 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
    Has partaken in some of the repairs, takes pride in the area and wants it to look good.
  • Tom Koebel, N1001 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
    Chamberlain is not the only one using easement; the area relies on it
  • JR Hommer, N949 Vinnie Ha Ha Road
    Looked at GIS; it is a public road. Says town is responsible for general care of the road as a public road. Would like us to take legal counsel into account on topic. Feels neighbors utilize the easement and maintain it.

4. Approve meeting minutes from May 2024
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the May 2024 meeting minutes.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

5. May 2024 Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer presented May report.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the May 2024 Treasurer’s Report on file.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

6. Discuss/Motion approve liquor license applications
Matt questioned if any feedback has been received, Clerk responded not to our office. Clerk confirmed that licenses will be granted once all paperwork and fees have been received.
Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the liquor license applications.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

7. Discuss/Motion request by Courtney Dunkelberger to rezone a 1.1 acre lot from A-1 to A-3 along Schwemmer Ln
Courtney Dunkelberger present. Chairperson asked if they’d have a separate driveway, Dunkelberger
responded yes.
Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the rezone request.
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

8. Discuss/Motion request by Ivan & Elizabeth Yoder to rezone from A-1 to A-3 to create a 2 acre
lot at W6184 Star School Rd
Ivan & Elizabeth Yoder not present, Matthew Yoder present on their behalf. Request is to create a building lot. They will continue to use the same driveway.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the rezone request.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

9. Discuss/Motion request by Erik Hoffman for a variance for less than 15 feet of fill around a structure in a floodplain, using 9.9 feet instead, at N435 Oxbow Bend
Mr. Hoffman present, explained there is not 15 feet between his and his neighbor’s property.
Supervisor Jaeckel motioned approve the variance request for a reduced setback.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
Supervisor Hoffman abstained.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

10. Discuss/Motion request by Diablo Lobos Motorcycle Club to close the road from N304 Vickerman Rd to Grogan Road for a rally July 13-14
Mr. Jacobson requesting for vehicles to park on the road and close the road down for Saturday and
possibly Sunday of July 13/14, for safety. He demonstrated on the map the length of Vickerman Road
he has requested to close. Town would put signage and barricades up. Event is open to the public.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to close road for July 12-14.
Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

11. Discuss/Motion two fireworks permit applications by Wishing Well RV Resort
Jeremy Politick present via Zoom. Confirmed his request to display fireworks 1 time between July 4-7,
and 1 time between August 30-September 30 at Wishing Well RV Resort. The Town has issued a
fireworks permit to Jeremy before without issue. Chairperson mentioned some noise complaints,
inquired about entertainment at resort. Jeremy advised quiet time starts at 10:30, and updates have been made by shifting stage and tarps put up to help alleviate noise. Jeremy will have water and fire
extinguishers for safety precautions during fireworks display.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned approve the fireworks permit applications.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

12. Discuss/Motion Vinnie Ha Ha right of way use
Several neighbor’s present. Chairperson acknowledged it is platted as a public road on the GIS but is not a normal public road (not big enough to be a conventional roadway, terrain is rough, it is grass). Cheney consulted with attorney. It was platted in 1948; at that time, the Town had no say in it. As a public road, it can be used by the public, even non-Town residents. Mentioned other similar public accesses that are chained off for no vehicles. Cheney wants residents to have lake access, but questioned if the Town will keep repairing it. Dan Butz advised we’ve repaired it a couple times, permits and plans were needed for repairs. He would like to see surveying done on it. Supervisor Hoffman has concerns of liability. Board would like more information. Cheney suggested Board members look at access before next meeting.
Supervisor Hoffman motioned to table the discussion.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
Clerk read email from resident Mike Wagner to put his public comment on the record as he was not able
to provide it during designated public comment time.

13. Discussion only City’s South Main path
Engineer firm has drawn plans and is favoring the west side of South Main with the City moving the
roadway and narrowing it up. Nothing finalized at this time, Town will be advised before making a final
decision. City is going to pulverize and repave South Main. Path will be 5 feet off roadway, and will be
a 10 foot path.

14. Discuss/Motion to reschedule August board meeting from 8/14 to 8/15
Clerk explained we have an election on August 13, and needs more time for election wrap up and
preparing for meeting.
Supervisor Brandenburg motioned change meeting date to August 15.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

15. Public Works Report
Superintendent Dan Butz present, report available. We are waiting on a part for the mower. Dan makes
sure public works employees have access to shade and water with summer heat. Supervisor Hill heard
from a resident who witnessed ATVs drive through the park and has asked Dan to put up signage. Dan
advised a Groeler Road resident has requested additional signage with the path. He also advised we
haven’t had many sign thefts this last month.

16. Approve Bills
Clerk explained two credit payments on this bills report as last month’s bill was not ready at the May
meeting. Final payment for shop addition is on report.
Supervisor Hill motioned to approve the bills as presented.
Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

17. Clerk’s Report

  • Press release from Rock Road Companies, they’ll be having night hour operations in June.
    Estimate to move asphalt plant in July.
  • Code enforcement addressing property on Twin Knolls for overgrowth, and a vacant property on
    Vinnie Ha Ha for overgrowth.

18. Future Agenda Items

• Vinnie Ha Ha easement
• Bark River Road once water recedes

19. Public comment

  • Rich Kinkade
    Questioned who was responsible for brush left by We Energies. Cheney advised property owner.
  • Shelly Cloute
    “Not against the law to have your property look like shit.”
  • Eaan Carson
    Asked what the proposed city path will be used for. Cheney advised to move people from South Main from the Hackbarth area into Town. Questioned if Town is expected to maintain part of path on Township area? Yes, it will have to be plowed.

20. Board Member announcements

  • Supervisor Hill advised Evenson memorial bench has been placed. Keith Marsten who does a lot
    of volunteer work in park is getting quote for materials to repair rotted decking. Volunteers doing
  • Chairperson will be unavailable after June 18 for a week or two.

21. Adjournment
Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to adjourn at 8:37PM
Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon