Chairman Bill Burlingame called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at 7:00pm.
The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
Chairman Bill Burlingame, Supervisors Jim Brandenburg, Walt Christensen, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill,
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Caitlin Kincannon and Clerk Kim Cheney present.
This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were no attendees.
Public comment – None at this time.
Approve meeting minutes from February 8
Supervisor Hoffman/Brandenburg motion to approve the February 8, 2023 meeting minutes as
presented. Motion carried.
February Treasurer’s Report
Supervisor Hill/Hoffman motion to place the February 2023 Treasurer’s Report on file, motion carried.
Discuss/Action Resolution in Support of Democracy and Nonpartisan Election Administration
Resident Kathleen Townsend emailed a request to postpone the Resolution to a date to be determined.
Supervisor Christensen/Hill motion to postpone the Resolution, motion carried.
Discuss/Action Code Enforcement Services contract
Allison Schwark in attendance. Contract is being offered as a limited-term contract/trial base that can
be terminated without cause. Contract will be on an as-needed basis, no terms/quota required. Town of
Koshkonong will have access to Allison’s Google Drive to see her documents and communications
with residents. Supervisor Hill/Hoffman motion to approve contract with amendments including
removing “weekly hours not to exceed 12 hours” and adding “weekly hours as needed by Town
Board” and “30-day termination terms”. Motion carried.
Discuss/Action county zoning text amendment
Supervisor Christensen motioned to approve the County zoning text amendment. Town Board would
like additional time to read text – Supervisor Christensen withdrew motion. Supervisor
Christensen/Hill motion to postpone action to April Board meeting, motion carried.
Discuss/Action shop insulation
Quotes to insulate the older portion of the Town shop roof from Riedl And Son LLC, FOAMTech of
Wisconsin LLC, and Suburban Insulation Inc. provided. Supervisor Hill/Christensen motion to
approve proposal. Supervisor Hoffman offered to obtain quote from another company – Supervisor
Hill withdrew motion. Supervisor Hill/Brandenburg motion to table action and have Supervisor
Hoffman obtain additional bid from USA Insulation, motion carried.
Discuss/Action Rock county snowplow agreement
Rock County 2023/2024 snowplow agreement reviewed. Town Board requests agreement include
specific road names for clarification. Supervisor Hill/Hoffman motion to extend the Rock County
snowplow agreement with conditions that Blackhawk Bluff, Potowatomi Trail, and Oxbow Bend be
added to contract. Motion carried.
Discuss/Action tower permit/fee
The Board briefly discussed the possibility of an ordinance and permit fee for communication towers.
More research is necessary. Supervisor Hoffman/Hill motion to table the discussion, motion carried.
Discuss/Action resolution to close roads to local traffic only during the highway 12 construction
Superintendent Dan Butz contacted the Sheriff about onslaught of traffic, including trucks, on
Township roads as a result of the Highway 12 closure. The Sheriff recommended Public Works to post
“road closed” signs, as they cannot enforce road closures without signage. Public Works should have
enough barricades for all 11 Town roads. Supervisor Hill/Brandenburg motion to approve resolution to
close Township roads to local traffic only for the duration of the Highway 12 closure, motion carried.
Discuss/Action Clerk contract
Deputy Clerk Caitlin Kincannon clarified for the Clerk contact that she will keep the same hours for
Clerk availability to the public (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 11-4), but will have working hours in
the Town Hall office Monday – Thursday, and working from home on Friday. Supervisor
Hoffman/Hill motion to approve the Clerk contact, motion carried.
Discuss/Action Vinnie Ha Ha easement access
Resident Hank Chamberlain contacted the Clerk to advise that the easement on Vinnie Ha Ha was
needing attention. Supervisor Hill would like to see it remain open for public access, and proposed
signage stating “public access not maintained, use at your own risk.” Superintendent Dan Butz
suggested surveying it. Superintendent Butz will look for the property pins.
Public Works Report
Superintendent Dan Butz reported on activities Public Works have been completing. The chipper is
being fixed for approximately $6,000.
Approve Bills
Supervisor Brandenburg/Christensen motion to approve the bills as submitted, motion carried.
Clerk’s Report
- Annual meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2023. April Board meeting originally scheduled for
April 12,2023. Board agreed to combine and hold Annual and monthly Town Board meeting
both on April 18, 2023. - Notice provided from City of Fort Atkinson regarding Plan Commission meeting on March 14,
2023. - A resident advised Clerk of an incident at the Mush-Ko-Se-Day Park involving another
person’s unleashed dogs attacking her. Discussion of signage at park entrance with leashing
Future Agenda Items
County zoning amendment
Town shop roof/insulation bids
Tower permit/fee
Public comment
Interim Clerk Kim Cheney thanked Chairman Burlingame for his years of service, as this will be his
last meeting.
Board Member announcements
Supervisor Christensen reported the parks department will be using drones to spray for moths.
Supervisor Brandenburg/Christensen motion to adjourn at approximately 9PM, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon
April 12, 2023