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May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Chairperson Kim Cheney
Supervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt Hill
Clerk Caitlin Kincannon
Treasurer Alicia Grulke

This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 2 attendees.

  1. Call to order and verification of public meeting
    The Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at
    7:00 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  3. Public comment – agenda items only. No other audience comment allowed.
    • Mavis O’Morrow
    Had questions regarding garbage service and fees that are included as special charge on property
    taxes, feels she does not use the service as much but pays the same fee as everyone else.
    Chairperson Cheney explained that per Town ordinance, all residents have to have garbage
    service, and it is up to the resident to use it or not. Supervisor Brandenburg explained that the
    compost site as well as bulk pick up services are included in that service charge. Residents with
    extra bins do pay extra.
  4. LRS account representative Justin Montani introduction
    Justin Montani present and introduced himself as our new account representative.
  5. Approve meeting minutes from April
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the April meeting minutes.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  6. April Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer presented April report.
    Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to Approve the April Treasurer’s Report.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  7. Discuss/Motion variance request by Steve Ganser for N511 Haight Rd for a shed within
    the 75ft setback
    Clerk explained that Mr. Ganser still needs to get County everything they need, so Board cannot
    discuss this today. Explained he needs a variance for a shed that is being moved within the 75ft
    setback on the shoreline. Item will likely be on June agenda.
  8. Rockstroh dog update
    Chairperson provided update: 25 dogs were voluntarily surrendered to a local rescue, Paddy’s
    Paws. Erin Patterson, who runs the rescue, facilitated the surrender with Patricia Rockstroh.
    District Attorney is pursuing charges against Pat Rockstroh.
  9. Discuss/Motion downed trees on Oxbow Bend
    The Town has a piece of property at the end of Oxbow Bend, it is a lake access that is chained
    off, for people to access the lake. A tree at the shoreline uprooted and fell over into the water in
    front of the neighboring resident’s shoreline. Chairperson spoke to DNR warden Alex Brooks,
    who advised we could take the tree out of the water because the stump was connected to the tree
    in the water. There were 2 other dead trees along the shoreline, Alex advised the Town would
    need the proper permits to take them down. The neighbor, Mr. Powell, advised he’d take the tree
    out of the water. Mr. Powell ended up taking down the 2 dead trees, as well as taking the fallen
    tree out of the water. Chairperson believes Powell had to take them down to get the tree out of
    the water, but he did it without permits or permission. Chairperson unsure if we’ll receive a
    violation from the DNR. Supervisor Jaeckel advised he’ll speak to the County.
  10. Discuss/Motion Cheesebrough culvert
    There’s a culvert under the road on Cheesebrough Road with some water issues. Dan Butz
    explained water flow on map. Supervisor Brandenburg visited the site and spoke with the
    neighboring property owner who has water in his basement. Dan estimated culvert needed for
    replacement and cost in the $1500-$1800 range.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to replace the culvert.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  11. Discuss/Motion Bark River Road opening & weight limit
    Bark River Road observed by Chairperson and Dan Butz. Public Works determined some
    structural issues with the road after it was closed due to flooding, and did not want to reopen it
    yet due to these issues. Feels garbage company trucks should not be using that road. Supervisors
    Jaeckel and Brandenburg also observed the road. Jaeckel feels we should reopen it, for
    emergency services for the residents in that area, and feels there are other roads in worse
    condition. Chairperson agrees we should open it, but does feel the road is in bad shape, however
    it would be a major project if we decided to fix it. Brandenburg feels an overlay would help.
    Jaeckel asked for the road to be monitored for a month. Board agreed to schedule a time to meet
    at Bark River Road and review it together.
  12. Discuss/Motion 2024 budget resolution
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the 2024 budget amendment.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  13. Discuss/Motion 2024 operational loan resolution
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to borrow funds of $71,000.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  14. Discuss/Motion amendment to ordinance, chapter 218
    The state has made updates to their building code, and we have to amend our ordinance to adopt
    the new codes, specifically for electrical and RVs.
    Supervisor Hill motioned adopt the ordinance updates.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  15. Discuss/Motion final payment for shop addition
    Dan Butz advised Harmon had foam put in to the shop addition.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to make the final payment.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  16. Public Works Report
    Dan Butz provided board with Public Works report.
  17. Approve Bills
    Clerk provided Board with bill report for approval. Explained the credit card payment is not on
    the report as the bill had not been received yet.
    Supervisor Hoffman motioned to pay the bills.
    Seconded by Supervisor Hill.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
  18. Clerk’s Report
    • The Town Hall has been reserved for rental on October 5, 2024
    • Open Book occurred on May 2, one resident attended
    • Board of Review will be June 4, 6:30-8:30PM
    • Liquor License renewals are coming up
    • We received a $200 donation to the Park fund from Troy & Linda Evenson, Clerk will
    send a thank you letter to the Evensons
  19. Future Agenda Items
    • Eaan Carson’s annual review
    • Possible discussion of drainage issues on Fairview
    • Steve Ganser variance request
  20. Public comment
  21. Board Member announcements
    • Supervisor Brandenburg inquired if we have any more Amish road signs stolen. Dan Butz
    advised not since we replaced them.
    • Supervisor Hill advised one of the park volunteers, Keith Marsten, looked at the decking
    for the pond, it is rotting. He is getting quotes for material, volunteers would be doing the
    • Supervisor Hill also advised a resident wanted to do a memorial bench in the park. He
    thinks we should consider amending our park ordinance about how these processes are
    handled. The resident donated to the park fund, and the resident had the plaque made, and
    gave it to us to instsall.
  22. Adjournment
    Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 8:15 PM.
    Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg.
    No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Caitlin Kincannon