+1 920-563-4510
Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk Caitlin Kincannon
Chairperson Kim Cheney called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at6PM.
The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
Closed Session. The Town Board will consider a motion to convene into closed sessionpursuant to the provisions of section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin State Statues for thepurpose of employee(s) reviews, employee considerations and employee compensations.Supervisor Jaeckel motioned to convene into closed session at 6PM.Seconded by Supervisor BrandenburgMotion carried.
Return to open session and action if any from closed session.Supervisor Brandenburg motioned to return to open session at 6:58 PM.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel. Motion carried.
Supervisor Hill motioned that the Town Board provide the Public Works department with a listof tasks and estimated timelines, and the department report back to the Board monthly.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman. Motion carried.
AdjournmentSupervisor Jaeckel motioned to adjourn at 7 PM.Seconded by Supervisor Brandenburg. Motion carried.
Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk12/11/2024