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Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk/interim Treasurer Caitlin KincannonThis meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM. Zoom attendees included SupervisorHoffman & Brett Hoffmeister with Johnson Block.Chairperson Kim Cheney called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at7:09 PM. The clerk verified the proper postings had been made.Public comment:
April Treasurer’s ReportSupervisor Brandenburg/Jaeckel motioned to place the April 2023 Treasurer’s Report on file,motion carried.Johnson Block 2022 year-end financial reviewBrett Hoffmeister with Johnson Block CPAs present, and provided a balance sheet. Mr.Hoffmeister discussed the balance sheet. Jae Ames asked about the financial statement and if itshould be presented at the Annual Meeting. Chairperson Cheney explained that because JohnsonBlock has other obligations, they cannot prepare it by April’s annual meeting. Mr. Ames read thestate statute regarding the financial statement. Kim advised the board could take that intoconsideration for next year and will review procedures.Discuss/Motion request for a conditional use for an extensive on-site storage structure in anR-2 zone at W6021 Friedel RdDana & Scott Scherer present. They are requesting to put up a building 6 x 30 feet, as a secondgarage for storage of cars/hobby use. They advised it would be aesthetically pleasing.Chairperson advised the conditional use permit was needed because it’s bigger than allowed foraccessory structures. The Scherers advised there would be no bedrooms or bathrooms in thestructure, and no second driveway needed. It would be for personal use, not business. SupervisorHill/Jaeckel motioned to approve the conditional use permit for an extensive on-site storagestructure, motion carried.Discuss/Motion request to rezone from A-1 to A-3 to create a 2-acre lot along State Road106 from parcel 016-0614-3632-001George Golich, W5250 Hwy 106 E, present. Mr. Golich is selling his property to his son, andwants to retain two acres to build a house on. There would be a shared driveway on the East side.Chairperson Cheney asked about the property, and Supervisor Hoffman asked about futurediscrepancies with the shared driveway. Supervisor Jaeckel/Brandenburg motioned to approvethe request to rezone from A-1 to A-3, motion carried.
Discuss/Motion to rezone 2.2 acres from A-3 to A-2 at W6770 Pond RoadSam & Allison Kemp present. Chairperson Cheney explained this is a two-item request with therezone and conditional use permit for them. Sam explained that the rezone request is to open awedding venue on the property. Allison advised they wish to follow all ordinances, includinglighting. Purchasing details and driveway details discussed. The Kemps intend to take down thecorn cribs to make room for parking. Supervisor Hill clarified lighting ordinance, Kemps agreedto it. Supervisor Jaeckel/Hill motioned to approve the request to rezone from A-1 to A-3, motioncarried.Discuss/Motion request for a conditional use to allow for an event venue at W6770 PondRoadThis agenda item was the second request by the Kemps regarding their proposed wedding venue.Chairperson Cheney advised she’d like to see the lighting plan. Kemps advised they would notbe obtaining a liquor license. Supervisor Hoffman/Jaeckel motioned to approve the request for aconditional use permit, motion carried.Discuss/Motion petition request for ATV/UTV/golf cart use on Potawatomi Trail, Blackhawk Bluff & Oxbow BendChairperson Cheney advised that ATV/UTV and golf carts are two different issues, and willneed to be two separate items when making a decision, however a decision would not be made atthis meeting. An advisory poll would be taken by the 67 residences at Bingham’s Point. Thepetition advocating for use of these vehicles on these roads had 35 signatures; the petition againsthad 26 signatures. Kim Cheney clarified that the use of ATV/UTV/RTVs passed in August 2022,not November 2022. Supervisor Hoffman explained when the ordinance passed last year, theseroads were left off intentionally because they had no access to the township, but if these roadswanted the option to use these vehicles locally only, it would need a majority vote. SupervisorHill believes the property owners should have a say, and suggested an independent meeting for apoll. Supervisor Hoffman suggested a postcard mailing to affected residents advising of poll andpublic hearing on the matter for the three roads. Kim provided WTA advice on advisory poll, byresidence, not per person at that property. A public hearing was scheduled to be held on June 14,2023, for an advisory poll for the residents of Bingham’s Point, where each road will be voted onseparately – only residents on that road can vote for that road. Notice will be provided for thepublic hearing. Golf carts will be addressed afterwards.Discuss/Motion variance request for a second driveway at W5153 Bark River RdJustin Ulrich present, requesting a second driveway for access to a farm machine shed. Headvised no culvert will be needed. Supervisors Jaeckel & Brandenburg discussed specs.Chairperson Cheney confirmed on 30-foot width and no culvert, and that it be for his ownpersonal farm business use. Supervisor Jaeckel/Brandenburg motioned to approve the variancerequest for a second driveway, at 30-feet wide with no culvert, and that it be sloped away fromthe road. Motion carried.Discuss/Motion shop insulationChairperson Cheney advised Dan Butz is out of office at this time, and we have no re-bids yet.Discussion tabled until June meeting.
Discuss/Motion for maintenance & storage of park mower or transfer ownership to WaltChristensenChairperson Cheney discussed options of Town retaining mower ownership while Mr.Christensen stores and maintains machine or transferring ownership to him. Walt explained themaintenance of the mower he’s done over time. Supervisor Brandenburg/Jaeckel motioned totransfer ownership of the mower to Walt Christensen, motion carried.Discuss/Motion 2022 year-end budget review & carry-forward (if any)Chairperson Cheney advised this will be tabled until the June meeting.Public Works ReportChairperson Cheney spoke on behalf of Dan Butz, advising the water is now off Bark RiverRoad, however there is bad washout and it needs hot mix. Public Works will hope to repair itnext week when the hot mix plant is open.Discuss only potential group health insurance for full-time employeesChairperson Cheney advised we are exploring the possibility of providing group health insurancefor full-time employees, and we will have numbers next month to discuss.Approve meeting minutes from April 18Supervisor Hill/Brandenburg motioned to approve the meeting minutes from April 18, motioncarried.Approve billsSupervisor Brandenburg/Jaeckel motioned to approve the bills, motion carried.
Clerk’s reportClerk advised that Board of Review will be held May 31, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. TheChairperson will not be able to attend, and we will appoint an acting Chairperson at that meeting.The deadline for objectors to submit appeals will be the morning of May 30, 2023, given that the2-day deadline falls on Memorial Day.
Future Agenda Items
Public commentSupervisor Hill commented on behalf of a resident, requesting the Town website be updated withcurrent Supervisors. Clerk will make those updates.
Board Member announcements
AdjournmentSupervisor Hoffman/Jaeckel motioned to adjourn, motion carried.Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk6/7/2023