+1 920-563-4510
Present:Chairperson Kim CheneySupervisors: George Jaeckel, Jim Brandenburg, Erik Hoffman, Matt HillClerk Caitlin KincannonTreasurer Alicia Grulke
This meeting was broadcast and recorded by ZOOM, there were 3 attendees.
1. Call to order and verification of public meetingThe Chairperson called the meeting of the Town Board of Koshkonong to order at7:04 PM., and the Clerk verified the proper postings had been made.
2. Pledge of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3. Public comment – agenda items onlyNone.
4. Approve meeting minutes from October 2024Supervisor Hoffman motioned to put the October 2024 meeting minutes on file.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
5. October 2024 Treasurer’s ReportClerk advised Treasurer’s Report for October 2024 will be postponed due to the payroll company transition still being sorted out. Staff pay is not affected.
6. Discuss/Motion request by Evan & Kate Karow to rezone from A-1 to A-3 to create a 2.0-acre lot west of W6116 Star School RdEvan Karow present, explained they are preparing to build in next 1-2 years.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the rezone request.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
7. Discuss/Motion request by Whitewater Islamic Center to rezone 5 acres from A-1 to A-2 along TriCounty Rd, west of US Hwy 12Representatives on property present. A-2 zoning does allow for public use. Land is 54 acres total. They are asking for 5 acres of land to be rezoned and used as a gravesite that will serve local counties. The space is estimated to have a capacity for 4,000 graves. There is an existing gravel driveway. Lot is already fenced, but representatives advised they will do more fencing if required. A gate may potentially be installed. The cemetery would be registered with the State of Wisconsin and regulated. Anticipated start date would be once everything is approved and contracts are done with local funeral homes, possibly March 2025.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the rezone request.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
8. Discuss/Motion request by Whitewater Islamic Center for a conditional use to allow for a 5-acreprivate religious cemetery (public/semi-public use) with a capacity of approximately 4,000 gravesites along Tri County Rd, west of US Hwy 12Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the conditional use request.Seconded by Supervisor Hill.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
9. Discuss/Motion dog service provider contractCurrent dog service provider, Duwayne Bickle, present. Past year has been challenging for Mr. Bickle with picking up more dogs abandoned than having been lost. The Town’s options are accepting a proposal from the Humane Society at $10,500, continuing with Mr. Bickle, and Chair also consulted with resident Chris Winkelman who has a kennel in the Town. If the Town contracts with the Humane Society, we would not have to manage anything or pay any additional fees. Mr. Bickle’s annual contract with the Town is $2,000; Chair asked if he would come back to the Board with an adjusted number and support needs for the Town to consider.Discussion tabled.
10. Discuss/Motion snow plow agreement with Town of JeffersonAgreement presented to Board. Koshkonong has already been trading off on plowing with Town of Jefferson; this agreement would finalize that.Supervisor Hoffman motioned to approve the agreement.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.Supervisor Jaeckel asked for clarification on Hoard Road.All in favor. Motion carried.
11. Review 2025 budget draft2025 budget draft reviewed and updated. Operational loan considered for budget deficit. Final draft will be ready in December, where a public hearing will be held, and the budget approved at the December meeting.
12. Public Works ReportPublic Works Superintendent Dan Butz present, provided a public works report. Residents who came to the polls on Election Day made requests for the shop parking lot be blacktopped. Public Works employee Eaan Carson attended snow plow training – Supervisor Brandenburg commented he would have liked to see that approved by the Board.
13. Approve BillsSupervisor Jaeckel motioned to approve the bills.Seconded by Supervisor Hoffman.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
14. Clerk’s Report
15. Future Agenda Items
16. Public commentNone.
17. Board Member announcements
18. AdjournmentSupervisor Hoffman motioned to adjourn at 8:24.Seconded by Supervisor Jaeckel.No further discussion, all in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submittedCaitlin KincannonClerk